Monday, June 25, 2012

Movies and romance

Yesterday my friends and I went to see "The Sound of Music" at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta.  But it wasn't just any showing, it was the "Sing a long Sound of Music".  We had so much fun singing along to all of the wonderful songs in this movie.  We even did hand motions to "Do, Re, Mi".  Yes, my children probably think we are one step away from the loony but who cares?

I saw The Sound of Music for the first time in 1965 when I was a little girl.  I fell in love with the movie immediately and have seen it countless times since then.  I even own the DVD.  I thought Julie Andrews was amazing then and she is still one of my all time favorites.  I thought Christopher Plummer was so incredibly handsome as the Captain and I loved the Von Trapp children.  The scenery in Vienna and Salzburg was amazing and all my life I have dreamed of going there.  It is definitely on my bucket list of things to do!

On the way home we talked about how we all loved this movie and how it truly is a classic.  One theme that resonated with all of us is that it had true romance without being crude and how rare that is today.  The scene with Maria and Captain Von Trapp in the gazebo is absolutely hands down one of the most romantic scenes in any movie anywhere.  They profess their love for one another and tell about how they first realized they were in love.  He kisses her tenderly and that scene was beautiful and romantic and no one tore anyone's clothes off.  All that romance yet it was totally tastefully done and no one was panting and groping anyone.  Movies of today could take lessons from the classic movies, sometimes less is more.  The illusion is more poignant than seeing it play out in front of you.

Now I'm not saying I want to return to the days when I was a little girl and people didn't talk about anything. I wasn't even allowed to say "pregnant" in mixed company and everything was private which wasn't always a good thing.  But to me the pendulum has shifted too far the other way and people go around telling you way too much information about their private lives, show way too much skin and are almost in your face about things that really shouldn't be shared.  We need to have a little balance and restraint.  I certainly don't want to  go back to wearing dresses up to my neck and down to my ankles.  But on the other hand, I really don't think wearing low cut tops with your assets hanging out in the workplace is acceptable nor is wearing a skirt so short that your co-workers know the color of your underwear.

I guess I'm nostalgic but I really wish film makers would realize that they can make movies that are beautiful and romantic.  I'm sure people would enjoy them and maybe some of them would stand the test of time and remain a classic 50 years from now.  Until then I will continue to enjoy channeling my inner Maria and belting out "The Hills are alive".

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